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Sustainability Governance

Board Oversight

Our Board of Directors (“Board”) and senior management team are committed to the high standards of ethics and integrity. Our strong corporate governance practices position our business for growth and create long-term value for our stakeholders.

Executive Sustainability Committee

Comprised of our CEO, CFO, all executive officers, and General Counsel

This committee receives quarterly updates on sustainability matters and reports directly to the Board on important matters. This committee holds the responsibility of reviewing and approving our sustainability strategy and goals, allocating resources to support the implementation of sustainability initiatives across the organization, and overseeing sustainability related risks, among other key responsibilities.


12 members led by an independent, non-executive Chairman

Oversees the Global Sustainability Program and receives updates at least annually.


Oversees environmental and social risks. Reviews our Environmental, Social, and Governance (“ESG”) performance quarterly. Recommends, reviews, and assesses candidates, along with setting corporate governance policies and guidelines.


Oversees accounting, reporting and financial practices, risk assessment, risk management, and legal and compliance requirements, including oversight of policies and procedures of environmental, health, safety, and social risks.


Sets compensation policies and programs. Monitors succession planning for executive officers.

Global Sustainability Program

The Global Sustainability Program was established under the guidance of our Chief Executive Officer and oversight from the Board of Directors in 2019. This program has played a vital role in shaping our sustainability strategy, facilitating communication with stakeholders, and driving the implementation of sustainability initiatives across our brands globally.

Our Executive Sustainability Committee receives quarterly updates on the progress of the Global Sustainability Program and important internal and external trends related to sustainability. The Sustainability Core Team, consisting of the Sustainability Team and Sustainability Champions, meets quarterly to exchange updates, discuss progress, refine the overall program strategy, and subsequently provide updates to the Executive Sustainability Committee.

For further information, please see our Corporate Governance webpage.

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