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Our efforts to foster a healthier planet center on three key areas: combating climate change, reducing water consumption, and responsibly managing waste.

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Environmental sustainability is a cornerstone of Topgolf Callaway Brands’ ethos, rooted in the recognition that our operations have a profound impact on the world around us. We understand that the well-being of our planet directly intertwines with the health of our communities, customers, and stakeholders, thereby intrinsically influencing the vitality of our business.

By championing environmental sustainability, we aim not only to minimize our environmental footprint but also to inspire positive change and contribute to creating a resilient future for generations to come. Aligned with our core value to “Be a Force for Good,” this commitment is evident in our track record of implementing meaningful initiatives, and we remain dedicated to continued efforts to promote environmental sustainability.

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“Protecting the planet is not only the right choice but also a crucial strategy for the long- term success of our business. By prioritizing environmental sustainability, we fulfill our obligation to preserve the Earth for future generations while safeguarding the foundation upon which our Company thrives. Integrating sustainability into our operations upholds our ethical standards and helps to ensure the long-term viability and prosperity of our business and the communities we serve. We believe that our commitment to environmental stewardship builds trust, fosters positive relationships, and attracts like-minded customers and partners who share our same values.”

Heather Mcallister

Senior Vice President, General Counsel, Corporate Secretary And Chief Ethics Officer

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